7 Keys to fostering a Health Body Image

Let's talk about something that's a hot topic these days, especially among our young people - social media and body image. A negative body image was something I struggled with massively during my youth. And that’s without the damaging effects of social media that our young people have to deal with every single day. It's like this never-ending game where the rules keep changing, and we're all desperately trying to keep up. But the truth is, behind the filters and perfectly posed selfies, a lot of us are struggling.

Scroll through Instagram or Tik Tok, and it's a parade of flawless faces and sculpted bodies, all carefully curated for maximum likes. It’s hard not to compare these highlights and “perfect image and bodies” to ourselves, even when we logically know that these are just snap shots of their lives. Many studies have shown that scrolling through social media is associated with girls and women feeling dissatisfied about their bodies. Similarly, when we post something that doesn’t get as many likes, it has a negative impact on our mood and how we feel about ourselves. Although girls are more susceptible to boys, both genders are susceptible to the harmful effect of social media on body image.

So what can we do about this? Well, it might seem straightforward to suggest deleting your social media accounts, but convincing a teenage girl of that nowadays is as challenging as asking her to cut all ties with her friends and the outside world. I'm no parenting guru, so offering advice on keeping teenagers away from social media is beyond my expertise. Nevertheless, I can provide some strategies on how to foster a healthy body image, applicable to both young people and adults.

Here are my 7 keys to fostering a healthy body image

  1. Become a critical viewer of social media.

We know that there are endless filters, editing apps, lighting and hacks to make ourselves look “better” on videos and photos. But often we forget these things when we scroll through our social media accounts. Be mindful of your thoughts and take a moment to think about what you are thinking about. Become a critical viewer of your accounts. Who are you following and why? When you see their content, does it inspire you to become a better person, or does it make you feel worse about the way you look? What are you feeding your mind? Become a detective of the accounts you follow and unfollow those that are not fostering a healthy body image.

2. What are you posting?

This one is similar to the first point - but it’s asking the question of what YOU are posting. Are we feeding into the “diet” and “perfectionistic” culture? A good question to ask is, “when I post this, am I posting it to get likes, to validate myself? Am I contributing to the relentless pursuit of an idealised image?” By pausing to reflect on our intentions before hitting the "post" button, we can begin to shift the focus away from external validation and towards self-acceptance, no matter what our shape or size.

3. Are you stuck in the comparison trap?

We often compare our worst qualities to other people’s best qualities, skewing our judgement. Or we minimise our achievements in life, and maximise other people’s highlights. Remember insecurities are universal - we all feel insecure every now and then. If you find yourself stuck in the comparison trap, try these practical tools:

  • Identify your triggers and avoid them

  • Limit your time on social media

  • Count your blessings

  • Celebrate other people’s wins

  • Focus on your strengths

  • Celebrate diversity

4. Build a life outside of body image.

Your body is a small part of who you are. What are values? What sort of person do you want to be? Where do you want to go in life? If you start to list them, you will notice that most of them are not related to how you look. For instance, my values are - to be the best mum I can be; to be a supportive wife; to make meaningful connections; to be kind and generous whenever I can; and to put my best foot forward in the work that I do to create an impact in other people’s lives. When I really think about it, none of my deep core values are related to my weight or the shape of my body. So what are your core values and how can you live a life according to these values?

5. Appreciate all the things your body can do.

Sometimes we don’t appreciate what we have until we lose it. I tore my left ACL (a ligament in my knee) two times and had to use crutches for some time. It wasn’t until I had lost the function of my left knee and leg, that I appreciated being able to walk and run. Often, we don’t stop to appreciate all the small things that our body allows us to do on a daily basis. One way to cultivate appreciation for our bodies is by engaging in activities that make us feel good - whether it's dancing to our favourite song, taking a leisurely walk in nature, or indulging in a nourishing meal. In these moments, take a breath and allow yourself to soak in gratitude for the vessel that allows you to do these things life.

6. Serve

A vivid memory I have during my recovery, was the day I practically applied the power of serving. On this particular day, I was feeling extremely low as a result of constantly binging and purging all day. I felt hopeless and lonely, which was no stranger to me, but for some reason, it was distinctly heavy that day. I recall hearing about the power of serving others, that it was more blessed to give than receive. So I reached out to people in my world, sending words of encouragement or asking if I could serve them in some way. Within 30 minutes, I felt the weight lift off. There is something about giving your time, effort and resources to others that creates a shift in your own heart. Try spending some time to think about how you can serve others and take the first steps towards helping those in your community.

7. Remind yourself that your body is only a small part of your identity.

Keep up with the daily reminders, whether it’s mantra or inspirational quotes, images or vision boards. We all need reminding that our body does not define us. Chose something that works for you and build it into your daily routine.

Body image is a massive piece of work that I do with my clients. We use a number of tools to change the way they view yourself, the value their place on body image and practical strategies to start building a healthier body image.

If you would like some more advice on how to foster a healthy body image, get in touch with us.

For more information on social media, check out this website - Social Media Addiction - lanierlawfirm.com/social-media-addiction/statistics/


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